Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Aging American Population Essay - 648 Words

The Aging American Population The American population has changed dramatically over the last century. Our society has become effected by this in all areas and walks of life. It is unknown what the future holds for America, but the statistical trends in an aging population may shed some light. The rate of aging in the United States will increase dramatically in the second and subsequent decades of the century. Within the United States, the size of the population over age 65 has soared during this century, increasing from 3†¦show more content†¦Though average length of hospital stays has decreased for those over 65, their visits to physicians are over twice as frequent as those under 65. With increases in age, the intensity of using health care resources increases: Those over 75, though only 5.5 percent of the total population in 1993, accounted for 28 percent of all hospital days. At the same time, the caregiver population comprised of both the elderly and non-elderly will be impacted by these changes. Aging is also an aspect of population dynamics that affects the level of poverty also. As fertility declines and the population ages, traditional family-based systems for providing old-age care may weaken, leaving the elderly vulnerable. The income security of older persons is a policy concern not only in developed countries but increasingly as well in developing countries such as China that have passed through the demographic transition. Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the population aged 65 and older will have doubled in most developing regions. This exponential increase in the aging populous could leave that generation drastically vulnerable. Not only would the health standard be effected but also the income producing majority. Forecasts show that policy makers must address the impact of our aging population in the next decade to stay ahead of the demand on resources required by a populationShow MoreRelatedHealthcare Financing For An Aging American Population1426 Words   |  6 PagesHealthcare financing for an Aging American population Introduction The following research paper discusses the healthcare financing for an aging American Population. In the discussion, it addresses both the negative and positive perspective of the healthcare financing of this particular population as well as personal position and thoughts. Overview of Aging and Health Care Financing in U.S Just like other parts of the world, the United States is no exceptional, it is an aging society. 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